The Healthy Thyroid Group Program

The Healthy Thyroid Group Program

A 3-month group program for women with an underactive thyroid who want to stop feeling tired and frustrated and start living life, feeling more vibrant and full of life!

Sound Familiar?

  • You have no energy and find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and don’t have enough energy to last the day. You’re too tired to socialise and worry that you’ll be dropped by your friends.

  • You can’t fall or stay asleep, you’re awake at 2am, eventually fall asleep, wake up tired and dread the day ahead.

  • You’re gaining weight gain overnight no matter what you do, keep getting bigger even when you load your plate with veggies and you find your weight gain really disheartening and embarrassing as you watch what you eat, eat healthier than everyone around you, try to exercise although you’re so tired, and still keep gaining weight and are worried that people will think you always pig out and are lazy.

  • You are constipated for days on end, feel bloated, toxic and uncomfortable and are convinced it’s linked to your many headaches.

  • Your concentration and memory are poor, you can’t keep up at work and everything feels twice as difficult . You keep forgetting everything and have to write everything down, which isn’t ideal at work. You can walk into a room and forget what you went in for. While having a conversation, you forget what you’re talking about. This is embarrassing.

  • You’re always cold and find yourself wearing multiple layers, even your coat at times even when indoors and wrap yourself around radiators to keep warm.

  • Your hair is dry, dull and brittle as is your skin no matter what you slather on.

This was me too!

I’ve been exactly where you are right now.

About 10 years ago, I had such severe exhaustion that I’d be in bed for over 12 hours everyday and still wake up beyond exhaustion. I didn’t have the energy to brush my teeth or get dressed.  I felt like I had to drag my body around, and could hardly function, which is difficult when you’re a working mother. I wasn’t getting the help I needed and after 3 years of not feeling normal, I decided to retrain and got certified as a functional medicine practitioner. This allowed me to dig deep and find out the root causes of my mounting symptoms including severe fatigue and address them.

These days, I can be found happily running after and keeping up with my children, going out, jumping on my rebounder, skipping, feeling radiant and living life. I was able to find my mojo and feel like a normal person again by making some changes, the first of which was finding out exactly what was contributing to the never-ending fatigue and then making some changes.

Imagine this ....

  • Have more than enough energy so you can get going in the morning enough to get kids ready for school, work, exercise without getting tired.

  • Know exactly what to do to ensure you sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.

  • Notice that what you do daily reflects on the outside because you feel and look better. Be able to wear smaller clothes and be more confident in your appearance and yourself.

  • Be able to empty your bowels daily and not feel like you are toxic, headache or have to hide your belly under baggy clothes.

  • Have a normal temperature and not have to layer on jackets or coats while indoors.

  • Finally be able to think clearer than before because brain fog is a thing of the past.

The Healthy Thyroid Group Program will give you the knowledge, know-how and confidence that will ensure you can have more energy so you can start feeling great, normal and fabulous! 

Here’s what you’ll learn during 12 weeks of powerful group coaching:

  • Learn how to put an end to feeling tired and exhausted all the time.
  • The ultimate way to reduce brain fog, think clearly and get the mental clarity and focus you desire
  • Discover how to get your bowels moving without having to rely on laxatives or coffee
  • How to get started on looking better naked and fit into smaller clothes
  • Learn the secret to getting healthier looking skin and hair
  • Not be on thyroid medication for the rest of your life
  • Learn how to have more stable moods
  • Learn how to reduce the negative effects of the daily stresses that life throws at you so that you are more resilient.

Now Imagine...

  • No more cold sensitivity
  • Healthier looking, supple skin
  • Voice sounds better as no longer hoarse
  • No more muscle weakness
  • No more achy, tender or stiff muscles
  • Regular periods/menstrual cycles
  • Healthier looking hair
  • Normal heartbeat as no longer slow
  • More stable moods
  • Not having to take thyroid medication for the rest of your life


  • Fortnightly coaching calls
  • Support between live calls
  • Private Community & Messaging Access
  • Meal plans and recipes
  • Access to tools & educational resources for your thyroid

The Healthy Thyroid Group Program will give you the knowledge, know-how and confidence that will ensure you can have more energy so you can start feeling great, normal and fabulous! 

What Clients Say...

  • "My energy is mighty!"


  • "I don't feel tired."


This is a 3-month group program for women with an underactive thyroid who want to stop feeling tired and frustrated and start living life, eating real food and feeling more vibrant and full of life!

This isn’t for you if…

You’re someone who wants a quick fix, without having to put in the work.

You’re not 100% committed to reversing the effects of your underactive thyroid.

Which one do you want to be?

  • "I've more energy than I've had in years."


  • "I have so much energy these days."



Hi, I am Toki.

I had such severe exhaustion, woke up beyond exhausted and didn’t have the energy to brush my teeth or get dressed.

These days, I can be found happily running after and keeping up with my children, going out, jumping on my rebounder, skipping, living life. I was able to find my mojo and feel like a normal person again by making some changes, the first of which was finding out exactly what was contributing to the never-ending fatigue and then making some changes.


How do I know this program is right for me?

If you are a woman with an underactive thyroid who wants to stop feeling tired and frustrated and start living life, having more energy, feeling more vibrant and full of life!

What is the cost of this program?

The price of this program is £1,200 (payment plans available).

How do I join?

Join HERE 

Is Functional Testing included in this program?

No. Testing is not included in this Group Program. Testing is charged separately.

Are supplements included in this program?

Supplements will be recommended, but are not included in this Group Program cost.

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